Thursday, February 24, 2011

Full discuz1.5 pseudo static rule set

Full discuz1.5 pseudo static rule set (iis version)
first step: go to this address to download dz6.0 Kang Shengguan network rules.
unzip the download down 10:12 yesterday obtained
upload and download attachments (32.07 KB)
which httpd. in that configuration file

Part II: Back into your dz - Global - optimization settings, you will see static. . . . . View the current Rewrite Guize URL (click on this link you back in), you can see a static rule. Choose you, we here choose
IIS Web Server (independent host user) [ISAPI_Rewrite]

# 3600 = 1 hour
CacheClockRate 3600

RepeatLimit 32

# Protect httpd.ini and httpd.parse.errors files
# From accessing through HTTP
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ topic-(. +) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1/portal . Php ? Mod = topic & topic = $ 2 & $ 4
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ article-([0-9 ]+)-([ 0-9] +) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1/portal . Php ? Mod = view & ; aid = $ 2 & page = $ 3 & $ 5
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ forum-( w +)-([ 0-9] +) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1/forum . Php ? Mod = forumdisplay & fid = $ 2 & page = $ 3 & $ 5
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ thread-([0-9 ]+)-([ 0-9 ]+)-([ 0-9] +) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1 / forum . php ? mod = viewthread & tid = $ 2 & extra = page % 3D $ 4 & page = $ 3 & $ 6
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ group-([0-9 ]+)-([ 0-9] +) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1/forum . Php ? Mod = group & ; fid = $ 2 & page = $ 3 & $ 5
RewriteRule ^(.*)/ space-(username | uid )-(.+) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1/home . Php ? Mod = space & $ 2 = $ 3 & $ 5
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([ az ]+)-(.+) . Html ( ?(.*))*$ $ 1 / $ 2 . Php ? Rewrite = $ 3 & $ 5 copy the code
Copy this to replace the original dz6.0 the code

Part III: IIS environment configuration method, see Sing Rewrite Rules FAQ < br> OK as a routine on the Demo Address:
portal article pages
Forum Group / eyucheng-forum-47-1.html
list of posts Forum posts http://bbs

everyone in the practical problems encountered Replies questions can also contact me: QQ 541239935 add friends please specify dz Member < br>

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